Every master knows that it simply wouldn't be possible without treats. Whether you're just teaching your dog basic obedience, raising a canine athlete or simply want to spoil your pet a little - treats are simply necessary. However, choosing the right rewards is not an easy matter. So how do you find your way around them?


Think of three important categories - size, composition and purpose . Treats should first of all fit your pet in size. Greater delicacy does not automatically equate to greater joy. Treats for large dogs tend to be harder and logically contain significantly more calories and recommended substances than is suitable for a small dog. Similarly, the miniature rewards will hardly be felt by your 40-pound havan on the tongue.



The composition of the treat is really crucial. However, the frequency of rewards is also important. Once in a while we can all throw up, and the same goes for (healthy) dogs. However, if you intersperse carefully selected granules with nutritional transgressions every day, you are creating a problem for your partner.

Just like when choosing human goodies, it is also important to read the labels. You should avoid artificial colors, preservatives or humectants. Better put away the package of treats that boasts a low price and a long list of ingredients. Avoid rewards with a lot of sugar or salt. Better to bet on quality raw materials and local origin . And if you're not sure, check with your vet. Be especially careful when choosing treats for puppies, allergic and sick dogs.



According to the purpose, treats can be divided into training treats, treats and dental treats . Training rewards are usually small and soft or semi-soft. If you exercise with your dog, you can choose from a wide range of Celtic Connection and Hunter brands, for example . We bet your furry friend will seriously enjoy testing the best. Treats are slightly larger, often harder, and the dog will enjoy chewing them. Such rewards are used at the end of training, for confiscation or for appeasement. Dental treats help clean your dog's teeth. They have a mechanical abrasive effect and often contain active substances that help dental hygiene. For example, try Spike Bone or Qchefs dental treats .

Furries are clear when it comes to choosing treats - they usually gobble up everything within reach. It is therefore up to us to sort through the options and treat our clients to what not only pleases their taste buds, but also does not harm the dog's health. Betting on brightly colored packaging with photos of happy dogs and a suspiciously low price usually doesn't pay off.

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