A dog at a wedding! Do you know all the pros and cons?

Most of us want to spend our wedding day with our family and friends. And so, logically, we wonder whether we should also "hand over" the imaginary wedding invitation to our four-legged best friend. If you are currently planning a wedding, consider all the pros and cons of spending your wedding day with your dog.



Every dog ​​is different, so it cannot be said with certainty that all dogs are trouble-free wedding companions. So try to empathize with your dog and find out if his personality matches the program of your wedding. Do you have a timid pet at home who is afraid of strangers? Then there is no point in him bothering himself among a hundred invited guests. Do you know that your dog constantly wanders away from the table and likes to jump on others? Admit it, the wedding guests won't be twice as excited about his bad habit. Does your dog listen to the word and can he relax even in a restless environment? Add him to the wedding guest list! Be honest with yourself and think about whether the nature of your dog goes hand in hand with the character of the wedding. None of us wants a pet to be worried, stressed or out of sorts at a wedding.


When making your decision, don't forget to also consider whether dogs are allowed at the place of the ceremony and the wedding reception. For example, if you are getting married in a castle, it is very likely that there will be no four-legged friend among the wedding guests. On the contrary, many rustic farms or barns welcome dogs. Ideally, talk to the property owner about the pet's presence and introduce him to your canine friend.


While we don't want to paint the devil on the wall, it's definitely worth it when you consider whether the chosen wedding venue is not dangerous for dogs in any way . Are there poisonous plants outside, a hole in the fence or an open pond that the dog could fall into? In the same way, think about if the dog can reach, for example, a table with catering, on which there will undoubtedly be dangerous chocolate treats. And last but not least, consider whether there is anyone among the guests who could, even unintentionally, harm the dog. We have in mind, for example, "pranksters" who would give the dog a taste of alcohol.



We understand that you adore your dog above all else, but don't forget that there are people who don't share your positive opinion of dogs. Some have a panic fear of dogs, others struggle with an allergy to dog hair. And then there are those who simply do not need a dog. Either way, talk to your guests in advance and find out if they will not mind the presence of a dog . Thanks to this timely conversation, you will avoid any problems at the wedding itself.


And last but not least, don't forget that the wedding day is all about you and your partner. It's a day you should enjoy and savor to the last sip. If you know about yourself that you would constantly think about the present dog, stress about whether he is okay, and run away with only him in your thoughts, maybe it is better if you do not have company at the wedding. On the contrary, owners who know that the presence of a dog will calm them down and put a smile on their face, can give the dog a wedding invitation straight away.


Have you decided that your dog must not be absent from the wedding? Then detailed planning is the key to success. Ideally, ask someone close to you to turn into a stand-in groomsman on your wedding day . It doesn't matter if you ask siblings, parents or someone from the wedding party, the only important thing is that it is a person who is responsible and knows the dog well enough. This person will be responsible for the dog during the wedding and will make sure that nothing happens. Of course, it is important that you discuss the assigned role with the person in question and be 100% sure that the assigned task does not bother them.

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