Whether you have a border collie or a Yorkshire terrier at home, one thing is clear - you cannot do without a brush and dog shampoo. And what should the proper routine in the care of long-haired pets look like?

When buying a dog, it is also important to think about whether a short-haired breed or a long-haired breed will keep us company in the coming years. The second option entails regular brushing and bathing, which many owners unfortunately forget. But if you don't want to have a "dreadlocker" at home whose fur itches, then it's important pay extra attention to dog hair care . Even in this case, the sooner you introduce your four-legged pet to brushing and bathing, the faster he will get used to these necessary "beauty procedures".



It removes dead skin, massages the dog's skin, "greases" the entire length of the hair, and also removes the fur from everything the dog brought with it from the walk (from thistles to needles). Brushing is literally a health-promoting ritual for which we should regularly set aside a few minutes for long-haired pets, ideally twice a week. Of course, the intensity of brushing depends mainly on the specific breed and the dog itself. If you have a Yorkshire that doesn't spend days flying around the woods, then brushing it once a week is enough. On the other hand, collie owners can easily brush their hands four times a week. On the other hand, remember that too much of anything is bad. Definitely it is not desirable that you brush your dog for half an hour every day .

And what should an ideal brushing look like? If you have a long-haired pet, then first of all reach for a thinner metal comb. After a gentle combing, a brush with longer bristles comes into play, with which you brush the dog thoroughly. Do as your pet dog likes. For example, if you see that he really enjoys having his back brushed, then don't rush into anything. It is really important for the dog to understand that brushing is a pleasant thing that brings him only benefits. Finally, leave the area around the ears and neck, i.e. the areas with finer and shorter hair, comb with a comb with denser bristles. Voilà, you're done!


You may have already heard of the so-called trimming comb , thanks to which you can remove dead hair relatively easily. Although the trimming comb seems like a great tool, you should definitely not underestimate handling it. First of all, think that the trimming comb is suitable for use only with breeds that have an undercoat in their fur . At the same time, combing with a trimming comb requires "mind". If you've never used a grooming comb before, ask a professional, such as a dog groomer or vet, for advice. They will show you how to use the trimming brush without endangering your four-legged friend. Once you get the hang of the trimming comb, using it once or twice a month is plenty.


Did you start brushing late? Or do you have a small puppy that finds brushing uncomfortable? Either way, definitely don't give up on this important activity. In the beginning, it pays off if you brush the dog really briefly and only in places that are not sensitive (e.g. on the back). Try to make brushing as pleasant as possible for your dog . Talk to him, give him his favorite treats and don't forget to pet him enough. Do the same for other "brushing sessions". You will see that your pet will quickly get used to brushing and will understand that it is an integral part of his dog's life.



Even long-haired pets need to be watered from time to time. Unfortunately, even in this case, there is no single rule that would determine how often to bathe a dog. On the other hand, it is logical that if your dog "rolls" in dirt or excrement, then with bathing you won't hesitate a second. Dog in any case, bathe exclusively in lukewarm water .

Especially with long-haired dogs, it's important to get to the undercoat. When bathing, do not rush unnecessarily and proceed really thoroughly. The biggest helper will be a dog shampoo, which you choose according to the breed and the requirements of your canine lover. There is nothing to prevent you, for example, from using an anti-parasitic shampoo in the summer to reduce the risk of ticks and fleas being attached to your dog's skin. Use also for long-haired dogs dog conditioner , which will facilitate subsequent combing.


It's no secret that the quality of the diet is reflected in the quality of the hair. If you pour into your pet dog's bowl balanced dog kibble without added dyes, without flavorings and salt, then your dog is probably proud of beautiful, and at first glance, healthy hair. Otherwise, there is a risk that his hair will look dull or have a tendency to break. So try make sure you give your furry friend a first-class diet full of protein and vitamins . Alternatively, you can support the quality of his fur with special food supplements, the composition of which is rich in zinc and fatty acids.

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